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     Pages: 6, Posts: 153    Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: Josh: My visit to Romy the Cat's Macondo by Romy the Cat on 2019-01-30 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Josh: My visit to Romy the Cat's Macondo in Audio For Dummies ™  28 Replies 
In reference to :   I was pointed out to me that Josh posted his commentary about me at site. Since he was actively posted at this forum I was presuming th...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1023: The problems with Smart Grids by Romy the Cat on 2012-02-23 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity. in Audio Discussions  1910 Replies 
The problems with Smart Grids by B. Blake Levitt and Chellis Glendinning How is it that so many intelligent, inside-the-beltway environmentalists are buying into an eco-health-safety-finance debacle with the potential to increase...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: The concrete midbass horns: The story continues by ulf on 2015-01-01 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The concrete midbass horns: The story continues in Horn-Loaded Speakers  6 Replies 
Some of you have already seen my old posts about the 2 pair of concrete midbass horn a friend and I built a few years ago.   Now I just wanted to share what has happened to those beauties since the last po...
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